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Transition Minerals and Indigenous Peoples' Rights: "Just Transition" or False Solution?

  • Indigenous Peoples Pavilion - COP28 Blue Zone, Zone B7, Building 88 (map)


International Indian Treaty Council//Centre for the Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North Russia


With the new focus on "Just Transition" solutions, mining of so-called transition minerals like lithium and helium, and even uranium, has become a priority for many states, targeting the lands, territories and waters of Indigenous Peoples around the world without their Free, Prior and Informed Consent. These projects are being fast tracked in many countries as climate solutions and alternatives with devastating impacts on the eco- and food systems of Indigenous Peoples and violating their health, territorial and Treaty rights. This event will be carried out in roundtable format with opportunities provided to participants from all regions to share experiences and threats. A planned outcome is to build participation in a new Indigenous Peoples Global Coalition focused on "transition minerals" and present the planning for a global gathering on this issue in 2024.


Rodion Sulyandziga and Andrea Carmen will co-facilitate and Indigenous participants will be invited to share examples from their regions and territories


EN - RU - SP

3 December

Climate Justice and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples International and Domestic Legal Perspectives

4 December

Just Energy Transition: Indigenous Peoples experiences, co-ownership and benefit sharing agreements from North to South America.