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The Karen’s Kawthoolei Climate Action Plan (K-CAP): Developing the world’s first Indigenous-led Nationally Determined Contribution

  • Blue Zone, Zone B7, Building 88, 2nd Floor (map)


Karen Economic Committee Secretariat


Myanmar’s first Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) were submitted to UNFCCC in July 2021. Although Myanmar submitted an NDC, most of its targets and actions had been set at a national-level, without inclusive, detailed consultations with local or sub-national-level stakeholders. This meant that Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP & LCs) across the country had been missing from the process. This exclusion of local-level stakeholders and their important role in implementing the Paris Agreement – both in Myanmar and across the world – became the centre of discussions at COP26 in Glasgow and COP27 in Egypt. At both events, representatives from Myanmar’s civil society and Indigenous Peoples clearly expressed the need for sub-national climate targets and actions to ensure the effective participation of non-state actors in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

National action on Myanmar’s NDC is currently at a standstill due to the complex political situation in the country. However, through a process facilitated by representatives from the Karen, an ethnic majority in southern Myanmar, alongside other Indigenous Peoples, a localised climate action plan is being developed. The plan demonstrates the determination and commitment of Indigenous Peoples to take action against climate change, while recognising their territories and traditional way of life. Initial formation of this climate action plan began in October 2022, and has been further developed over the course of capacity building sessions, workshops and consultations that will continue until October 2023. Involved in the development process have been various stakeholders, including local CSOs and CBOs from southern Myanmar.


- Saw Ah Oo (Programme Manager, Karen Forest Department)

- May Saung Oo, (Programme Consultant, Southern Youth Community Representatives)



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