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Investing in Direct Financing for Indigenous Peoples’ Climate Actions: Lessons Learned and Opportunities

  • Indigenous Peoples Pavilion - COP28 Blue Zone, Zone B7, Building 88 (map)


Tebtebba Foundation, Kawari – Regranting Fund for Integrity in Forest Carbon Markets, Elatia, Nia Tero


This event will showcase a conversation between indigenous peoples and key support organizations (including but not limited to funding organizations) to understand the current landscape of access to climate finance by indigenous peoples. It will also attempt to discuss elements of "direct access to finance" according to perspectives of indigenous peoples.


1. Grace Balawag, Tebtebba- Share experience of indigenous peoples in accessing and

managing the funds for Capacity Building program under the FCPF

2. Kayapo, Brazil/or Costa - How

supporting social preparations including obtaining of Free, Prior and Informed Consent

for carbon market is not a one-off but an iterative process

3. Minnie Degawan, Kawari Fund - the need for social integrity investments in the carbon market to ensure rights are promoted and not just environmental integrity

4. Jenifer Corpuz, Nia Tero- How philanthropic and IP led funds are facilitating direct access of financing for Indigenous Peoples.



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