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Indigenous Committee of Climate Change: innovating the climate change fight

  • Indigenous Peoples Pavilion - COP28 Blue Zone, Zone B7, Building 88 (map)


Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)


In April 2023, roughly six thousand Indigenous leaders gathered during the Free Land Camping (Acampamento Terra Livre) to decree a Climate Emergency in Brazil ( A group of Indigenous climate experts from all regions united their traditional knowledge with non-Indigenous science to relaunch the "Comitê Indígena de Mudanças Climáticas (CIMC)", Indigenous Committee of Climate Change, after five years of inactivity. Led by Sineia Wapichana, from the Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR), CIMC is key to promoting climate public policies and innovatively proposing actions to tackle and fight the climate crisis. This event will present historical accomplishments and how it is already putting into practice solutions as the elaboration of material using the “Indigenous Portuguese” connecting local experiences with an international mindset.


Sineia Wapichana - Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR)

Toya Manchineri - Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB)

Dinamam Tuxá – Coordinator of the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB)

Kaianaku Kamaiurá - Indigenous Committee of Climate Change communicator (CIMC)

Martha Fellows - Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) - moderator


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